Noon Chai, also known as Pink Tea, is a traditional Kashmiri beverage. It's not just tea; it's an emotion cherished in the valleys of Kashmir, perfect for cold mornings. 

What makes Noon Chai special? It's the unique combination of green tea leaves, salt, and baking soda that gives it a distinct pink color and salty taste. 

The preparation of Noon Chai is an art. The tea leaves are boiled for hours, and milk is added, followed by a vigorous whisk to get that perfect frothy pink color. 

Traditionally, Noon Chai is served in samovars, a unique Kashmiri kettle, which adds to the authentic experience of this soulful drink. 

Noon Chai is often accompanied by local bread like Girda, Sheermal, or Bakarkhani, making it a wholesome breakfast or evening snack. 

This pink tea is more than a drink; it's a symbol of hospitality. Sharing a cup of Noon Chai strengthens bonds and brings warmth to conversations. 

The health benefits of Noon Chai are numerous. Rich in antioxidants, it helps in digestion, boosts metabolism, and warms up the body in cold weather. 

Noon Chai is an integral part of Kashmiri weddings and special occasions, where it symbolizes joy, celebration, and togetherness. 

Experience the magic of Noon Chai by making it at home. A sip of this unique tea will transport you to the serene, beautiful valleys of Kashmir.